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  • Writer's pictureGina Stinson


A few years back I was diagnosed with Just-a-Mom Syndrome. The symptoms were as follows:

1. Mild Confusion: Mostly due to not being confident of what to write on informational forms under the word “occupation.”

2. Fatigue: Due to thinking since I was “Just-a-mom,” I had time to do everything that was left undone by everyone else. This was most evident at school, home, church and anytime I volunteered for something.

3. Discouragement: Feeling taken advantage of, forgotten and under-appreciated.

So, I went to my physician and found out this particular syndrome is common in women who are in the thick of motherhood. If left untreated symptoms worsen and develop into fits of yelling, calling your children by the wrong name, chocolate overloads, road rage and lots of “kidding-not-kidding” one-liners (usually spoken under one’s breath.)

The remedy? A big dose of medication of truth to carry me back to the days I dreamed of being “just-a-mom”—the days before I realized how hard it would be—the days I prayed for the little one I carried in my womb—the days I prayed for days filled with diapers and toddlers and driver’s licenses and senior pictures—The days I begged God for days like this.

And then the Great Physician spoke these words over me:

1. You can be confident of your position because of your position with me. You are complete (Col. 2:10) because of your relationship with Christ, not because you are a mom or a friend, a daughter or a wife. All because of Jesus. He completes you.

2. Your strength is in Christ and through him you have the power to do amazing things—more than you could ever imagine. You also have the most important job in the world, raising kingdom-seekers. Don’t let the demands or expectations of others distract you from your most important work. You were made for this! (Ephesians 3:20-21)

3. You are loved more than you can imagine. Those kids who struggle to tie their shoes and remember to brush their teeth—they adore you. But more than kids or a husband who thinks you’re the best, you are loved by a God and Savior who gave everything so he could know you. So, while you juggle the schedules and the schoolwork and the carpool and the groceries, all while trying to eat right, have long lashes and perfect nails—remember no one loves you more than Jesus. This I know. You are worth knowing. (Romans 8:39)

Sometimes you just need the right medication. Sometimes it comes in the form of a sit down with Jesus. That was my case. I am now on a strict schedule of this medication. Daily doses help keep me in a better place mentally, physically and spiritually. If you’re wondering if this might be the answer for your Just-a-Mom symptoms, I strongly recommend a trial dose. I think you’ll find its super-natural benefits safe for every mom.

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