My word for 2022 was stewardship. I asked God to help me steward my time, habits, family, finances, health and talents better—not perfectly—but to help me be more intentional.
Here’s a recap of how that went:
1. I made a goal to not sit idly in front of the tv. So instead of watching endless amounts of Fox News or Heartland I sat and crocheted and listened/watched. This resulted in over 100 crocheted dishcloths to sell or giveaway throughout the year.
2. I asked God to help me become more disciplined in my eating habits. I found a healthier eating plan that works for me and was able to see good results over the summer. Reinstating this habit today. My focus is on one step in the right direction each day.
3. Family stewardship has been hard this year. I always thought the older the kids got the easier it would be—in fact, it’s been the opposite. To be clear, we are learning a new rhythm, finding spaces where we need to let go and some spaces where we aren’t quite ready. We are learning to trust God and trust the work he has done in our kids. We are learning the parenting job never really ends and that in some ways our kids will always need us—just differently.
4. I stewarded home better but not as well as I had hoped. I still hesitate to entertain when things are not perfect. I’m always a load or two away from completing all the laundry. There’s always dog hair to sweep up and sometimes I don’t care enough to do it. There, I said it.
5. There were some relationships I managed better and some I didn’t. I had hoped for healing with one relationship and instead I feel more wounded than ever. I need a miracle.
6. God’s Word became more alive to me than ever in September, as I walked through a discipleship course with a friend. Here I was, the one who was supposed to be leading and yet, God’s Word guided both of us in a journey I don’t think either of us imagined would happen. We won’t forget what he’s done.
7. I wrote less than I have written in the last 4 years. Mostly because the world was talking so loud I was second guessing my words. I have many half written devotionals that never were shared on the basis of, “not good enough,” “no one will understand what I’m trying to say,” and “that sounds judgy.” Sometimes I was right and sometimes I should have posted and let the chips fall where they may. I’ve asked the Lord to give me greater discernment over these things.
All in all, the stewardship prayer helped give me an awareness—to be more intentional and more deliberate. Keeping that word in front of me all year helped me strive for something— a few pounds lost, a closer walk with God, a better relationship with my family. I failed often, but 2022 was the first year that I ended thinking, “I can see some specific ways God gave me a victory.” It was all him. I was the benefactor of his grace and discipline. I’m thankful for his holy spirit that encouraged and prodded me and even convicted me.
They (whoever they is) say, “if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”
So, what are you aiming for this year? I’ll share some of my goals Wednesday. I’d love to hear how you ended 2022 and how you’re going to steward this new year.