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Critics on the Way

Writer's picture: Gina StinsonGina Stinson

They say they are, “Well meaning, just trying to help, or have your best interest in mind.” You know the ones I am talking about? The ones who always have the “looking at both sides,” glasses on. The ones who you’re not quite sure are really on your team. The ones you’re not sure you trust.

Welcome to the party. We all have these types of critics in our lives. The ones who sabotage your good news, negate the wonderful things happening around you, question your motives and who when given the chance, can make you doubt yourself, your calling and sometimes your God.

In the Bible this happened first in the garden of Eden, when Satan tried to paraphrase the words of God to get Adam and Eve to sin. And he succeeded. In the New Testament it happened immediately following the disciple’s first spotting of Jesus after he had risen from the grave. They were on their way to tell the other disciples the good news, while at the same time guards for the chief priest were on their way to plot an alternative solution to the problem of a risen Savior. (Matthew 28:11-15)

The disciples were on their way. They had the best news ever and in an instant, someone came to try to rob them of their joy, to take away the miracle, to defeat their excitement, to drive away hope. And isn’t that what happens to us sometimes? We can be rejoicing over something wonderful God has done, and someone comes along to steal our joy, wreak our plans and leave us feeling sad and disappointed.

But in Matthew 28:16-17, we find out that the disciples kept going. They didn’t let the run-in with the guards or the naysayers get the best of them. No, they traveled to Galilee and the worshipped…even the ones that doubted were there. They worshipped. And then Jesus commissioned them to go into all the world, teach the gospel, baptize and make disciples! What an awesome day!

The best day of Christianity was not without the foiled plans of the critics. Chances are your heart resonates with that statement. Perhaps your best day has been looted with the nay-sayers and the critics. You are not alone. Even Jesus, in all his holiness and perfection, lived among the worst challengers of his time. But we must be like the disciples. We must obey and worship. Obedience puts us in right relationship with God and worship keeps us there.

Has God done something wonderful for you? Salvation, forgiveness, restoration—huge graces that God has offered to us! Maybe he has given you the job of your dreams or healing from an illness. Sometimes the critics can come in and discourage us, cause us to doubt and question the goodness of God. Let’s stay on the path of obedience that leads to worship! Let’s continue to live in the good news of Jesus and all he offers. The nay-sayers will have their day. Keep your head up. Walk in obedience and worship.

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