Proverbs has plenty of instruction for the son or daughter. But what if we as the parent need to know what to tell our children, and we were never taught it ourselves? Well, the good news is we can learn now how to grow in wisdom, right along with our children or other special young people in your life. There is no age cap for the wisdom class.
Proverbs 1:10-16 give us definite, clear instruction about the kind of people we should be spending our time with. It’s no surprise if you, “Lie down with the dogs, you will wake up with the fleas,” and these verses elude to that principle perfectly.
These verses tell us:

1. If sinner’s entice you, don’t be persuaded. 2. If they try to coerce you into committing murder, don’t be persuaded 3. If they ask you to “set an ambush” or be an accomplice, don’t be persuaded 4. If they ask you to attack someone who is innocent, just for the fun of it, don’t be persuaded. 5. Even if they ask over and over and justify their actions by saying, “They will die someday anyway.” Don’t be persuaded. 6. If they ask you to rob or steal from someone so you can have things that you do not have now, don’t be persuaded. 7. If they ask you to put money into a pot and try to convince you that the money will all be shared, don’t be persuaded.
Don’t walk that path with the foolish. Don’t give into the peer pressure. Don’t be easily swayed. Don’t travel that road. Not one step.
And why?
1. Their feet run to trouble. 2. They hurry to commit murder. 3. Their behavior is destructive.
These are the instructions to youth over 2000 years ago! But nothing has changed. These are still the instructions we need to be teaching our children today. Who you socialize with, hang out with or date, it matters! As parents and caring adults we must remind our kids, train them, discipline them to recognize and know the character of those they spend time with.
There is risk involved when our kids don’t make wise choices.
But let’s look a little bit closer at ourselves. What does our social circle look like? Do we look hypocritical when our friends are foolish adults who pressure us into doing foolish things. It might not be murder, but it could be some other foolish behavior that only satisfies our fleshly desires. Let’s do a little self-examination as we teach these principles to your children. Be sure your friends list isn’t full of adults who have never outgrown foolish behaviors. Your children see through it. They know if you are practicing what you are trying to preach.
It’s never too early or late to put this instruction to practice. While your children are young you have total control over who they are with and you can teach and train them to choose their friends wisely. As they get older, at school and other places where you might not be present, it will be the principles of wisdom that you have instilled in them that begin guiding them in their social choices. By the time they reach high school, if you have spent your training years well, the principles of Proverbs say they will make good choices. But they always have a personal choice. Sometimes they will choose foolishly and will have consequences. You will rest better knowing you have done what God’s word has said, and you have trained them and instructed them well.
I was reminded recently that all God’s children don’t always choose to follow him. We rebel, disobey, behave poorly. Only the wise return humbly to the Lord, repent and turn from their sinful ways. I want to be among the wise. I want my kids to be among the wise.
Are you an empty nester, a grandparent or someone else that has influence in a young person’s heart? You can help too. Use these principles to talk with the children in your life and help parents train their children God’s way.
In the comments below, leave a comment regarding your biggest parenting struggle. If you have already raised you kids, .WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU TOO. You have valuable insight to pass on to us!