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  • Writer's pictureGina Stinson

Living in the Middle


Sounds kind of boring.

When I was teaching mid-year was always the hardest to get through. Kids were tired, winters were cold, teachers were going crazy coming up with ideas to keep the students engaged. It was not my favorite.

Life has lots of middles. We can look at the midway points with boredom, regret, excitement, anticipation or fatigue. It's up to us.

Are you in the the middle of something? A trial, a season, a hardship, a victory. It's not going to last forever. Good or bad, seasons change. Sometimes we don't even know it. Sometimes what feels like the middle might be the end. What feels ordinary or boring could be what someone else is longing for in the middle of their chaos.

Contentment comes from knowing God is orchestrating every single moment of your days. He allows circumstances and he protects you from others. Contentment is trusting he does equal diligence in both situations. Do we trust him in the middle?

I turned 48 this year and realized I am on the other side of the middle. I can face these days with "what ifs" or I can look forward with anticipation to "what can be." Our minds have a powerful control over our attitudes and our outlooks. Let's choose for these middle days or whatever days you're in right now to be excuse free. Let's not live in boredom. Let's seek this abundant life that happens in the throes of the middle days.

John 10:10 says, "I am come that they may have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

That's what Jesus offers. Better than a midlife crisis—the abundant life.

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