Today we continue our interviews with one of the spectacular and talented authors of the new 12-week devotional guide, Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom.
TLC Nielson brings a cornucopia of talents to the table. Today's interview will give you a sneak peak into the things that help mold her writing.
Enjoy getting to know her and then take time to connect with her on social media to keep up with her writing adventures!
1. Tell us a little about yourself:
I’m one of those creative-analytic types so my day job as an assistant librarian at a high school and my part-time jobs of private music lessons and big band jazz fulfill me. I love all my assorted hobbies: organic gardening, sewing, cross-stitch/needlework, baking, genealogy research, photography, and classical/brass music.
I’ve been journaling and writing since middle school but writing for God since becoming a Christian as a young mom in my 20s. Writing and playing music are my main forms of communication, it seems.
2. What do you love most about writing?
I love the written word, because I can take the time to translate the visual images God shares with me and find the nuanced words that capture that particular idea. For example, an international house guest gifted us with a German radiometer, and this glass sphere truly reflects how we interact with God. As this piece of glass artwork sits on the windowsill, the internal mechanism remains stationary until the sun shines upon it. So it is with us during the day, there’s no spiritual movement inside us until God’s Son—through His Word and presence—shines down on us. This is why I love to write, capturing what God teaches me.
3. In Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom, over 20 writers came together to share in this collaborative effort. How did you get connected with the WordGirls?
I met Kathy Carlton Willis (WordGirls Founder) at a local writing conference, Write to Publish, where we had a great conversation about chronic health issues and following God. Charlaine Martin, one of the 22 authors in this book, mentioned how much she enjoyed being part of Kathy’s WordGirls writing group so I applied for a scholarship and enjoyed being a WordGirl for a few years, meeting many of the authors in Wit, Whimsy & Wisdom. This is such an encouraging community of like-minded women who write.

4. Briefly describe your contributions to the Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom devotional book.
My contribution to this first WordGirls’ Collective devotional was Bonfire Reflections, one of several personal pieces I wrote under Kathy’s tutelage. I’ve hosted many a bonfire for my children and their friends over the years. During the pandemic, I started doing almost nightly bonfires as a way to end the day and find some comfort. So I wrote about how God reached me through these tough times.
5. What’s next for you?
I’ve submitted devotions to Judson Press’ devotional magazine called The Secret Place, one of my favorite publications. I’m featured in their spring 2021 edition with my first paid devotion, Finishing Isn’t Enough. I’m also working on a YA fantasy series about a war between land and sea in pangean times. I’m currently book judging in a variety of contests and hope to submit my first fantasy novel in the 2022 Soon-To-Be-Famous Illinois Author Manuscript Contest.
6. How can readers connect with you online?

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To purchase Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom, head on over to Amazon.