I met Kristine a little over a year ago at an impromptu lunch with a few writing friends. Her great smile lit up the room. Over the last year, we've enjoyed participating in WordGirls together and learning more about how to hone the craft of writing. Kristine joins 21 other authors in the collaborative devotional, Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom.
Enjoy this interview with Kristine Accola!
Tell us a little about yourself:
I have 3 children. I live with one of them and my mom. We have a very sweet rescue pup (4 years) named Probie who, if we are going to be honest actually rules the roost. I did have 5 chickens for a little over a year and that was really fun but during covid when everyone got hit at once I had to give them up. I work full time as ministry assistant/office manager at my church and will celebrate 20 years with them this month. When I have some free time ( I use that term loosely) I enjoy reading, writing, but not arithmetic. LOL I love doing crafts, refinishing furniture, woodworking, refurbishing homes and decorating. I also love all things garage sale in any form or fashion. I am not above curbside pickup either, making real truth in the statement, One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. haha
What do you love most about writing?
Making characters and stories come to life.I like being able to direct what my characters say, feel, do, and think. I love putting them in situations where they come to the end of themselves and see their need for God.. I don't ever want to come across preachy about it, I just know from my own experiences that being in God’s will is always more productive and restful than being out of it. I want people to know of God’s love, mercy and grace through my writing and let them know they aren’t alone and that He loves them unconditionally right where they are.
In Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom, over 20 writers came together to share in this collaborative effort. How did you get connected with the WordGirls?
I had the pleasure of meeting Kathy Carlton Willis, when she booked our church for one of her book launches. I was a bit starstruck being able to talk to a real live author. I told her my dream and asked a bunch of questions to which she finally said, “Why don’t you join my Wordgirls group? I”ll send you the paperwork.” That was in January of 2020 and here we are.
Briefly describe your contributions to the Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom devotional book.
The two devotions I have in this book are Balancing My Busy and Retreat Doesn’t Mean Defeat. They speak of being too busy and getting overwhelmed. There is a need to seek God about both. I dance with God often around these subjects. He offers me a chair to rest in, over by the punch bowl so I can get refreshed. Sometimes I take it and other times I ignore it and keep dancing until I’m hot, sweaty, and dizzy. Then I go sit one out. Let me just say, it is soooo much easier His way.

What’s next for you?
I am currently working on my first novel and contributing to some other book projects and different publications as they come up.
How can readers connect with you online?
Facebook: KristineAccola
Email: misskay.accola@gmail
You can purchase your copy of Wit, Whimsy and Wisdom directly from Kristine or on Amazon.